Thursday, July 2, 2009

Final Thoughts

I wanted to quickly comment on The Disney video before I gave my final thoughts on the class. I thought the video was interesting but maybe a little extreme in its thoughts. I understand that certain stereotypes they throw out their need to go (hyenas, chihuahuas, and Crows) but I don't think Disney is corrupting our children by any means. I think it is the parents responsibility to provide information about further history of the stories. Like Disney said they are just there to make money, parents can't rely on Disney to teach history. It would be nice if Disney decided to take more responsibility in what they put out in theaters but I don't see that happening in the near future. These are just some things that came to mind about the video.

Moving on, I'm surprised at how much I've really grown in this class. I feel like I have become a much more aware person and have a better understanding of other people who aren't like myself. I twittered yesterday about my experience with white privilege and how wanted to share what happened.

My fiance and I are looking for a house for my grandmother so she can move out of Norman and closer to us in OKC. We scheduled an appointment with a realtor and another couple was going to look at the house at the same time as us. The other couple was Hispanic and our realtor was white. We all met and went into the house but the whole time she catered to my fiance and I. She followed us around and spoke mainly to us. She basically ignored the other couple until we left. I was really offended by how she was acting, maybe she was just doing this subconsciously. I'm pretty sure it had to be a race thing because the other couple was driving a better car than us so surely it wasn't a class thing. I'm just really proud at how far I think I've come in my thinking over the past few weeks. Not only have I been helped by this class but so is my fiance. I come home and tell him everything about our discussion which really has opened his eyes as well.